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Kata workshop with Sensei Dave Hazard 7th Dan

By Admin - Posted on 14 May 2009


On Saturday 26th April, Sensei Dave Hazzard 7th Dan welcomed to his dojo keen kata enthusiasts from all sorts of background and clubs. Some of us were fortunate enough to train under this legendary shotokan practitioner, who was a former Kata Coach for the English National Squad.

In this packed out seminar held in Laindon, Essex, Sensei Dave Hazard took us through kata Jihon, and it’s applications to differing situations.

Kata Jion is one of the three “temple” katas and a very common Tomari kata whose history is a bit fuzzy. It is accepted that it has roots in the Tomari style of Karate and has “family” roots with Jiin and Jitte, as well as links to the Shaolin Tradition and some connections to the kata passai/bassai and wanshu/empi. Jion kata teaches a student how to deal with rotational movements and directional shifts.

Many thanks to Sensei Steve Quinn for the invitation.